On the pages of Hoje: the PCB daily newspaper and its anti-hegemonic nature

  • Pedro Estevam da Rocha Pomar
Keywords: Jornal Hoje, Hoje Newspaper, Brazil's Communist Party, PCB, Press, Labor Movements, Hegemony, Anti-hegemony, Communication, Culture


The necessity for the PCB (Partido Comunista do Brasil, or Brazil’s Communist Party) to fight the hegemonic bourgeoisie materialized in a printed publication that collected significant merits in the political and cultural fields. The present work sought to demonstrate that one of the most important newspapers in this network, Hoje, is laid as a private asset of hegemony that also becomes a remarkable anti-hegemonic experience.
Hoje has followed the many variations in political tone that the party has undergone, to the right and left wings, however in a contradictory manner as long as the journal, situated in the epicenter of the labor movements, also received pressure from the work -
ers themselves. PCB’s bold communicational initiative, around the decades of 1940 and 1950, led by their daily newspapers, will not be paralleled in the following decades, inside or outside of the party.
