Esquerdas em movimento: a disputa entre PCB e PT no sindicalismo brasileiro dos anos 1970/1980

  • Marco Aurélio Santana
Keywords: PCB, PT, Workers, Trade Union Movement


The aim of this article is to analyze the action of Partido Comunista Brasileiro (PCB – Brazilian Communist Party) and Partido dos Trabalhadores (PT – Workers Party) militancy within the Brazilian labour movement in the years 1970/1980. It was a period when Brazilian society was leaving the military dictatorship and heading to a democratic overture. We verify how those militant groups have established a fi erce dispute over the hegemony of the trade unions movement. One can say that the position of those parties within the political system had strong relationship with their success and failures in the labour movement. As we shall see the division and criticism between them was related more to a general political views and their dispute over the movement’s leadership than to proper union different propositions.
