Strength of memory and memories of Women chop (April 1, Recife, 1964)

  • Andrea Bandeira
Keywords: Women-History, Women-Social Movements


The article addresses the significant participation of women in the resistance of the regime imposed in Brazil in 1964, not yet influenced by the gender paradigm that is a result of the advance of feminist movement in the country, a decade later, in the 1970s; but based in a broader understanding of class struggle, predominat during the focused period. These women are members and/or sympathizers engaged in leftist organizations at Recife, in the early 1960s. In addition, this narrative takes into account the need of understanding the past of these women, situating them in the historical present, and to note their aspirations, as individual and collective projects, in which they were engaged and elaborated their own memories - primary source on which the present essay is based upon.
