Integralists, Communists and the political and trade unions disputes in Brazil of the 1930’s

  • Vinícius dos Santos Arantes Universidade de São Paulo
Keywords: Political History, Trade Unions Disputes, Integralism, Communism


This paper aimed to analyze the political and trade union activities of workers connected to Integralism and Communism in the 1930’s. A bibliography about these groups was mainly used, and a brief analysis of a railworkers union newspaper and of a local newspaper from the city of Bauru was made, as an example of the political and union disputes between communists and integralists. Such analysis was dedicated to understand the conflict between integralists and communists in such period, reflecting the ideological polarization and the intense conflict between these groups in Brazil of the 1930’s. Based on a brief critic of some concepts and visions defended in researches about the political activities of the workers in the period, it was noted a relative lack of studies about the insertion of conservative ideas among workers.
