A call to arms! The trajectory of the Ação Libertadora Nacional (1968-1974)

  • Carlos Eduardo Malaguti Camacho
Keywords: Guerrilla, Lefts-Party, Dictatorship-Military


The proposal of this article is to problematize the trajectory of the ALN, analyzing the transformations that the group spent in the post AI-5 period, using manifestos and letters produced by the organization itself, putting them in dialogue with the hardening of the Brazilian military regime. With this analysis, it was possible to identify how the political conjuncture focused on the transformations that the group has undergone along your trajectory. In addition, it was possible to identify the internal tensions in the organization through the ruptures and criticism made by the militants who left the group. Thus, it is hoped to contribute to fill certain gaps in historiography about the subject and also to discuss how the methodology of armed struggle works as a social imaginary that was responsible for catalyzing the activities of these militants, at the same time that this imaginary prevented the evaluation of the actions of the group.
