Professionalize, a transitive verb

  • Ana Penido
  • Suzeley Kalil Mathias
Keywords: Profissionalization, Armed Forces, Military employment, Civil-military relationship


The issue of military professionalization is multifaceted and permeable to reality. It cannot therefore be regarded as a single prescription. The professionalization of the military transients according to internal and external variables. This article will focus on the challenges of military professionalization in Brazil, with emphasis on the Army, based on two fundamental issues. The first of these is the multiplicity of functions that today the Brazilian Armed Forces are called upon to perform, some of them conflicting with each other. The second issue is the relationship between civil and military in contemporary Brazil. Both themes offer elements for a wide range of discussions, but in this work they should be read in their interfaces with the variable professionalization. Finally, some essential elements are considered for the professionalization of the military future.
