The experience of Workers' Party in the construction of the company's process and practices State Management of the SUS

  • Silvana Souza da Silva Pereira
  • Andre Luis Bonifácio de Carvalho
  • Rogério Carvalho dos Santos
  • Jorge Solla
  • Heider Aurélio Pinto
  • Sandra Maria Sales Fagundes
  • Károl Veiga Kabra
  • Alcindo Antônio Ferla
  • Cipriano Maia
Keywords: Workers' Party, State Management, Unified Health System


Since the late 1990s, the PT has managed some states. The way to deploy the SUS can be printed with characteristics common to everyone. We will not portray all of them, but some that served as examples for other managements, with good results achieved. The valorization of the spaces of agreement and deliberation of the SUS, the role of states in encouraging Primary Care, as well as the definition of the coordinating role of the states were standardized in all the experiences described, namely, Rio Grande do Sul, Bahia, Sergipe and Rio Grande do Norte. We do not exhaust all advances/challenges, but we seek to describe important marks of these examples, which can be considered marks in the petista way of governing the state SUS.