The PTB (1945/1964): Its Internals Politicals Trends and the Hegemony of the State of Rio Grande do Sul Section 

  • Roberto Bitencourt da Silva
Keywords: Brazilian Labour Party, Democracy, Labour, Brazil Republican History


The paper aims to offer a panoramic picture relevant to certain characteristics of the Brazilian Labor Party – PTB (1945/1964), giving emphasis to the gaucha section. Supporting me in a particular theoretical perspective, we seek to bring into relief: 1. the formation and organization of PTB in internal wards and trends; 2. some ideas and proposals that stood in the orientation and line of action and partisan; 3.the ability to mediate and to represent sectors of society. It is proposed therefore as a backdrop, to undertake a reflection on the potential of progressive and democratic role played by the former PTB, without disregarding the limitations and shortcomings.
