“Cuando hicimos historia”: testimonies and history about the Popular Unity

  • Carolina Amaral de Aguiar
Keywords: Popular Unity, Memory and Dictatorship, Historiography and testimony


The reflections about the Popular Unity in Chile, failed because of the coup d´État in 1973, have been marked for the testimonial character of their authors, that emphasized their participation in the that government to building a defeat’s speech. So, it is possible to put in evidence the works of Carlos Altamirano, secretary of the Socialist Party, and Luis Corvalán, secretary of the Communist Party. They can be related to the memory approach (a tendency in Latin-American historiography identified for Beatriz Sarlo). However, news analyses prefer to value the UP’s transformations that rest alive today in the country, instead of evaluate the past. In that way, the Julio Pinto’s book, Cuando hicimos historia, can be mentioned.
