É possível escrever a história recente dos trotskismos brasileiros?

  • Alvaro Bianchi
Keywords: Trotskyisms, Parties, Political Organizations, Historiography


The first section of the article discusses how not to write the recent history of Brazilian trotskyisms. A definitive history is impossible, given the precariousness and temporariness of the accumulated knowledge and the absence of agreed conceptual frameworks; an official history, which tends to subordinate the narrative to the will of the ruling groups, is undesirable. The second section presentes an alternative historiography based on a relational model that invetigates the internal, national and international relations organizing the life of political organizations. The last section exposes the current state of research, presents the existing archives, and states the  need for chronological charts, databases, biographical information, identifying and locating sources as well as comprehensive studies to open the way for monographic research.

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