The social realism in The Clube de Gravura de Porto Alegre's artistic prints: political engagement and fragmentation

  • Bianca Knaak
  • Talitha Bueno Motter
Keywords: Military Dictatorship, Armed combat, left-wing soldiers


The Clube de Gravura de Porto Alegre (Porto Alegre Engraving Club, 1950-1956) was founded by the artists and activists Carlos Scliar and Vasco Prado in order to help the relaunch of Brazilian Communist Party’s Horizonte magazine, and they were inspired by the Taller de Gráfica Popular (a Mexican art organization) and Socialist Realism. During the Cold War years, its members based their ideological resistance on cooperativism, political and anti-abstractionist activism, and regional thematic. Developing figurative works between communism and capitalism, they helped to establish the regional artistic field and influenced engraving clubs in Brazil and abroad.
