The unit of the Uruguayan left and the Chilean way to socialism: The importance of Unidade Popular in the Frente Ampla’s creation

  • André Lopes Ferreira
Keywords: Frente Ampla, Unidade Popular, Uruguay


In February 1971, gathering a group of heterogeneous political forces, the Uruguayan Frente Ampla - FA was created. This new organization was composed by the Communist and Socialist parties, Democrat Christians and several other progressive sectors. The discussions that preceded the emergence of this alliance were marked by the successful experience of the Unidade Popular - UP in Chile. Therefore, during the founding of the FA, several of those who were involved in the initiative, have appropriated the Chilean example by seeking to legitimize their speeches and actions; others, however, did not judge the UP as a suitable precedent to the reality of the country, generating internal controversies. I analyze in this article the discussions about the Unidade Popular in Uruguay, as well as the positioning that Frente Ampla's members have been involved in this question.
