José Ingenieros and Brazilian Socialists at the turn of the century

  • Claudio Batalha
Keywords: José Ingenieros, Socialism, Diffusion, Brazil, Argentina


José Ingenieros (1877-1925), while still a medical student, had a crucial role among Brazilian socialists from the second half of the 1890s to the opening years of the twentieth century, through his correspondence and the writings of different authors he mailed. He diffused among his correspondents, most of them workers, which published socialist oriented periodicals at different Brazilian towns, the ideas of French socialist Benoît Malon as well as Italian Enrico Ferri’s positivist socialism. This text intends to discuss the nature of this relation and to deal with the points of conversion and diversion of the concepts of Ingenieros with those of his correspondents. This is an essay of entangled history between Brazil and Argentina.
